Delivering Biodiversity Net Gain

Managing Ecological Risks
We help you manage ecological risks on site and demonstrate your commitments to sustainable development and best practice.

Invasive Weed Management
A key ecological risks faced by developers and land managers is causing or allowing the spread of invasive non-native plants. However conventional use of contractor lead weed control can be ecologically and financially counter productive. We produce management plans that help you control your risks but ensure that this does not have a negative impact on biodiversity.

Ecological Clerk of Works
The use of an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) follows best practice to British Standard 42020 and minimises the risk of site enforcement action caused by damage to retained habitats. Its also the best way of heading off delays caused by unexpected site constraints like badger setts or invasive plants.

Ecological Monitoring
Our ecologists can deliver expert monitoring and reporting - ensuring that you can demonstrate delivery and adapt to changing situations on the ground. We have found that this really builds confidence and relations with decision makers - helping your future projects through planning.